jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013

[스타칼럼-강타] 1부. HOT 강타? 노래하는 PD 강타

봄 날씨가 완연해진 3월 마지막 주 네이버 스타칼럼의 주인공은 강타입니다. 그 강타? 맞습니다. 1990년대 아시아를 석권했던 아 이돌 그룹의 원조 HOT의 꽃미남 강타, 바로 안칠현이죠. 중국 등 해외 활동이 많은 그는 요즘 1년을 국내 반, 해외 반으로 나 누어 살고 있지만 국내 팬들을 멀리 하지 않으려 무진 애를 쓰고 중입니다. 최근에는 엠넷 ‘보이스 코리아’ 2기 심사 및 코치 를 맡은 와중에 SBS 인기 드라마 ‘그 겨울, 바람이 분다’의 OST를 맡아 주요 음원 차트를 휩쓸고 있습니다. 가수에서 가수 를 발굴하고 키우는 PD로서도 맹활약을 펼치는 강타가 네이버 스타칼럼 독자 여러분께 자신의 인생 2막을 자세히 전해드립니다. 기대 해 주세요. /편집자 주

# 노래하는 PD가 제 꿈입니다

안녕하세요. 강타 입니다!! 저를 늘 아끼고 성원해주는 여러분들께 늘 감사 드립니다. 미흡하지만 스타칼럼 열심히 써볼 테니 재미있게 읽어주세 요 ^^ 제 꿈은 노래하는 프로듀서입니다. 무슨 일을 하건 간에 무대에 서서 노래하는 가수로서의 삶은 계속 할 거예요. 음반 프로 듀싱과 관련한 일은 예전에 제가 SM을 떠났다면 더 빨리 시작했을지도 모르겠어요. SM안에 있었기 때문에 프로듀서로서의 가능성 과 행보는 뒤로 미뤘던 게 사실이었어요. 원하는 꿈을 벌써부터 꺼내기에는 시기상조라는 생각이 있었어요.

그리고 이후 상당 기간 중국에서 활동했습니다. 중국에서 얻고 자 하는 게 뭘까 생각했을 때 로컬 활동을 목표로 갖고 이것저것 많이 시행착오를 겪어보자고 다짐했죠. 그 속에서 제가 가야 할 방 향도 찾겠지만 가깝게는 회사 후배들, 멀게는 대한민국 후배 가수들을 위해 시행착오를 겪어서 길을 닦아 주고 싶었어요. 음악 활동 도 잠시 내려놓고 생각했어요. 이런 방향 전환 자체가 프로듀서로서 가기 위한 하나의 과정이 아닐까 라고. 확실하게 나도 후배들 을 양성하는 기본기들을 다져놔야겠다, 중국에서 문득 그런 생각이 들었었죠.

되돌아보면 HOT가 해산하고 그 시절 그렇게 일찍 혼자 시작했으면 실패했을 게 분명해요. SM에서 이수만 선생님께 많은 조언을 듣고 도움을 받으면서 시작할 수 있었던 게 다행입니다.

중국활동으로 여러 경험을 쌓고 길을 닦는 것도 좋지만,  음악 을 너무 내려놨다 생각하던 참에 엠넷 ‘보이스 코리아’에 참여하게 됐고 또 많은 걸 배웠어요. ‘보코’를 하면서 느낀 게 만약 어 려서 멋모르고 프로듀서를 시작했었다면, SM을 나가서 내맘대로 정말 후회했겠다 깨달았죠. 그런 독립 기회와 제의들이 없었던 것 은 아니었는데 시기상조라 판단하고 안 했던 게 너무 다행이었어요. 또 ‘보코’를 통해 프로듀서분들에 대한 경외감이 많이 생겼어 요.

# 아이돌도 아티스트입니다

아이돌 이미지 탈피를 위해 작곡한다고 물으신다면, 아이돌의 진화를 보여 주기 위해 프로듀서를 하고 싶은 것이냐 물으신다면 제 답은  아니에요. 아이돌 이미지를 탈피하고 싶지 않아요. 저는 1세대 아이돌 로 뿌리부터 아이돌 입니다. 아이돌 가수 강타가 프로듀서를 한다, 아이돌 가수 강타가 이제는 확실하게 변화된 모습으로 작곡과 프로 듀싱 을 하는구나, 이건 싫었어요. 저는 그게 제 아이돌 후배들에게 주는 선물이라 생각해요. 아이돌도 아티스트라는 인식을 일반 에 심는 것이죠.

아이돌이란 개념과 단어가 일본에서 넘어오면서 아티스트와 아이돌을 구분하게 만드는 고정관념이 생 긴 것 같아요. 일본에서는 아이돌이 그들만의 시장으로 인정받고, 아이돌들을 다소 다른 음악적인 색깔을 내고 있는 게 사실예요. 그 러나 대한민국은 대한민국인거죠.  전 세계 어느 나라보다 아이돌 음악이 진화됐고 시장이 큰 게 우리나라인데 다른 나라의 아이돌 에 대한 해석과 우리나라는 분명히 달라야 합니다.

1세대로서 그런 자부심 후배들에게 물려주고 싶어요. 우리나라 아이 돌은 아티스트로서 가치가 확실한 아이돌이다, 라는 것을 알리고 싶은 거죠. 음악적 역량으로 아이돌과 아티스트를 나눌 수 없다고 생 각해요. 밴드는 음악 잘하고 아이돌은 기획된 상품일 뿐이다? 좀 다른 말인 것 같다는 게 제 생갑입니다. 그래서 규정된 하나의 틀 을 만들고 싶었어요. 음악하면 아이돌스럽지 않다, 이런 게 싫었고요. 프로듀싱의 이유 역시 저의 꿈이었기 때문에 하는 것이지 아이 돌 이미지를 탈피하기 위해 하는 것은 아니에요. 전보다 아이돌의 음악 종류는 다양하고 장르와 폭, 사운드가 좋아졌어요. 아이돌 을 예전과 같은 기준으로 평 할 수 없는 것 같아요. 실력도. 그런 이미지를 만들어주고 싶어요.


# 제가 왜 중국으로 갔었냐고 물으신다면…

어 릴 때 다른 아이들이 친구들이랑 놀고 온라인 게임 좋아할 때도 저는 음악을 하는 게 좋았어요. 98년 첫 곡 발표 이후, 8-9년 쯤 지나니까 음악 작업을 시간이 닥쳐야 하게 되더라고요. 작곡 할 게 있으면 바로 해었는데 어느 순간부터 아직 시간 있으니 오 늘 안 할래, 이런 식인 된거죠. 예전에는 음악이 재미 있으니까 했는데 어느 순간 일거리가 닥쳐야 하게 됐어요. 그런 제 모습 을 보는 게 가슴 아프고 힘들었어요. 또 관심이 다른 데로 빠지기도 했어요. 바로 그 때 더 큰 시장에 대한 비전이 생겼어요. 그 게 중국 이라면 어떤 활동을 해야 할까를 생각한거죠.

물론 중국에서 활동을 하며 아쉬운 부분들도 많았어요. 중국 시 장이란 곳이 음악 활동을 가지고는 접근이 굉장히 힘들구나 하는 답답함이 있었어요. 기자분들이 ‘러브홀릭’ 이후 한국에서는 드라 마 안 찍냐, 물으시는데 이제는 너무 섣부르게 도전하지 않고 신중하게 하고 싶습니다 고 했어요.

그런데 중국 연예 계 관계자들이 제 애기를 들으시고는 ‘그게 아니다. 인기가 있으면 연기를 잘 하고 못하고의 여부를 떠나 당신을 보고 싶어하는 대중 들에게 기회를 줘야한다. 팬들이 당신을 원하는 만큼 무대에서 공연하는 짧은 모습 말고 길게 볼 수 있는 드라마를 당연히 찍어야 한 다’라고 저를 설득했어요.

중국에서는 스타의 드라마 출연이 팬 서비스 가운데 하나인 거 죠. 대부분 가수들이 인기를  얻으면 드라마에 출연하고 또 반대로 대부분 연기자들이 인기를 얻으면 음반을 발매해요. 그것도 연기자 로서 팬 서비스의 하나구나, 그런 걸로 봐줘요. 중국에서는 그런 식의 접근이 필요 하겠다 생각이 들어 드라마를 여러 편 찍었는 데, 다른 장르를 하니까 확실히 음악적으로도 새로운 영감이 생겨나더라고요. 그 당시 첫 작품의 OST를 맡기도 했는데  음악에 대 한 열정이 깊었을 때라 두 가지 모두 할 수 있었던 것 같아요.

# 한국에서는 연기하기 무서워요

중국에서 여러 작품을 하며 연기자가 어떻구나, 조금 알게 됐어요. 하지만 한국에서는 연기자로 저를 찾지 않은 부분도 있고, 또 한국에서는 연기하기가 무섭다고 해야 할까, 여러 가지 부분이 있어요.

중 국에서 계속 활동을 하는 이유는 강타로서 제 인생도 중요하지만 여러 가지를 놓고 봤을 때 후배, 좁게는 소속사 후배부터 넓게는 한 국 아티스트들을 위한 시장을 개척하는 데 조금이라도 보탬이 되겠다는 의지가 강합니다. 공연 뿐 아니고 드라마 출연도 시행착오를 겪 으면서 잘못된 길로 가면 안 된다는 걸 보여주자, 의도하지 않게 생각한 부분이 있었어요.

그러던 중 제가 음악을 왜 이렇게 오랫동안 놓고 있었지, 하는 생각이 들 때쯤 ‘보이스 코리아’가 들어오고 ‘그 겨울’의 섭외가 들어왔어요. 열정이 음악을 만들어 낸 것 같아요. 오래 하지 않은 목마름이 표출 됐다고 할까요.

첫 드 라마 OST 작곡을 할 때는 이런 노래가 어울리겠다, 내용이 이러니까 이런 정도 하자 생각했다면 제가 연기를 하고 나서는 좀 달라 졌어요. 그 뒤에 깔리는 음악에서 한마디 가사가 툭 튀어나올 때의 상황과 배우들의 얼굴의 감정선과 맞는 단어가 있어요. 그걸 찾아 내는 게 제일 중요한 것 같아요. 선율도 배우들이 가장 많이 짓는 표정들에 어울리는 선율이 있고, 선율에 맞는 악기가 굉장히 중요 하더라고요.

이번 '그 겨울‘은 제작사에서 4부까지의 대본과 줄거리를 미 리 줬어요. 리메이크 드라마기도 하니까 일본 원작도 보고 곡을 써서 전주, 간주 하나하나까지 대본의 내용을 기반으로 만들었죠. 전 체 곡의 작사와 작곡을 한 것은 아니지만, 송 트랙 폐단을 좀 없애보고 싶었어요.

드라마 시놉시스도 보지 않은 사 람들이 이 가수가 요즘 뜨니까 OST 맡기자, 이 드라마 배경과 이 그룹이 어울리겠네, 이건 옴니버스 앨범이지 제대로된 드라 마 OST가 아니잖아요. 드라마에 맞지 않는 OST 끼워 넣기 식으로는 안 되겠다 생각했어요.

‘그 겨울’의 두 곡 은 드라마랑 잘 어울린데다 아끼는 후배들이 부른 노래들이 음원차트 1위도 하고 좋은 반응을 얻어서 정말 기뻤어요. 하지만 다 른 한 편으로는 과연 이 곡들이 차트에 들어가서 1위를 차지할 수 있는 곡인가 창피한 마음도 있어요. 오랜만에 작곡가로서 컴백 한 건데 이런 느낌들이 오리려 약이 될 것으로 생각합니다.  오랜만에 좋은 활동한 것 같아요. 또 저는 반성을 많이 하게 됐어 요. 음악을 한 순간이라도 놓으면 안되겠다, 뼈저리게 깨달았어요.

긴 글 읽어주신 독자 여러분, 고맙습니다. 다음 회에는 일로서의 제 2인생 2막이 아닌 요리하고 아이를 예뻐하는 30대 중반의 싱글, 강타의 얘기를 들려드릴께요. 그럼 다음 주에 뵈요. ^^

글 : 강타
편집 : OSEN 손남원 국장(mcgwire@osen.co.kr)
사진 : 강타, SM엔터테인먼트, OSEN 제공

Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D 

viernes, 22 de marzo de 2013

Tony-Master Chef Korea Ep 2-5

Tony in Master Chef Korea Ep 2-5
MasterChef Korea Celebrity (Ep.2)  

MasterChef Korea Celebrity (Ep.3)  
 MasterChef Korea Celebrity (Ep.4)  
MasterChef Korea Celebrity (Ep.5)  
Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D

Kangta Twitt!!!!!

domingo, 17 de marzo de 2013

Tony Twitts!!!!!

Kangta Gives BoA Advice Regarding SBS “K-Pop Star”

Kangta Gives BoA Advice Regarding SBS “K-Pop Star”

On the most recent episode of YTN “News 12,” Kangta appeared and talked about his experience of being a coach on Mnet “Voice of Korea.” Kangta stated, “I decided to join the show as a coach because I was really drawn to its special charm, which is to help contestants refine themselves.” 

When asked, “Your agency-mate BoA is currently a judge on SBS ‘K-Pop Star 2.’ Do you guys talk about your different judging experiences at all?” Kangta responded that he and BoA often discuss matters that they find difficult to deal with or need special attention together. 
He added, “I understand that judging contestants on the behalf of the whole SM Entertainment could be a huge pressure for BoA. I coach my team under my own name, but BoA’s in a different situation. She must be stressed out. But I tell her to not let it pressure her too much. I always tell her that she’s doing great.” 

Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D   

sábado, 16 de marzo de 2013

Tony Twitts!!!!!!!!

Kangta: “Estoy preocupado ya que DBSK está siguiendo los pasos de H.O.T”

Kangta, de H.O.T, el primer grupo Idol coreano, dio unas penetrantes palabras sabias a los juniors DBSK.
El 15 de marzo, hizo una aparición especial en “News 12- Issue & People” de YTN, donde comenzó: “Como H.O.T, DBSK comenzó con cinco miembros y más tarde fuimos dos los que terminamos quedándonos en la empresa”.
El continuó: “DBSK está experimentando lo mismo que pasé. Ellos están caminando por el mismo camino que he tomado. Pensé que probablemente están teniendo las mismas preocupaciones que tuve una vez, así que he estado mostrando mucha preocupación”.
Y agregó: “Un consejo que puedo dar a los miembros de DBSK es: Con el tiempo, las cosas cambian. Así es la vida. Aceptad que vuestro estatus y popularidad cambiará como una celebridad y preparar de antemano lo que podéis hacer para asegurar la estabilidad”.
Kangta razonó: “Eso es como seréis capaz de soportar cuando su popularidad no sea la misma que antes. Lo estáis haciendo bien en este momento, así que no tengo nada más que decir. Sería muy bueno si se prepara de antemano para el momento en que te conviertes en artista en solitario, para poder resistir y vencer la soledad”.

Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D  

Kangta is concerned that TVXQ is walking a similar path that he walked

Kangta revealed his thoughts about how TVXQ seems to be experiencing what he experienced as an idol group member in the past.
He appeared on March 15th’s airing of YTN’s ‘News 12 – Issue and People‘ and said, “Like H.O.T, TVXQ originally had five members, but only two remained in the company.
I feel like what TVXQ is experiencing is the same as what I experienced. They are walking a similar path as me. I am very concerned and feel for them at the very thought of them having the same worries that I had.
The only thing I can say to them is, ‘Times change and you can’t do anything about it.’ Celebrities have to accept their changes in popularity and I hope they plan ahead to what they might be able to do later.
He concluded by saying, “That is how you can move forward even if your popularity is not what it used to be. Right now, they are very successful so I don’t have anything to say to them. When they become lonely later, I hope they can fight through it by planning ahead.”

Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D

Why did Lee Jae Won punch Tony An?

Apparently Tony An once had a rather strange drinking habit, and this quirk led his fellow former group member Lee Jae Won to punch him in the face!
Before you all jump to conclusions, you have to understand Tony An was asking for it – literally. On ‘Radio Star‘, Lee Jae Won was asked about the troublemaker of H.O.T. He started by saying, “I’m sorry to Tony hyung, but… There was a time period where Tony hyung would ask people to hit him when he would drink… Tony hyung is feminine normally, but when he gets drunk, he gets all macho.
Lee Jae Won didn’t actually follow through with Tony’s request then, but Tony asked again another time. Lee Jae Won said, “He did it again on my birthday. Since he asked on my birthday, I sort of wanted to try it. I wondered how it would feel to hit someone else, so I hit him really hard in the face. He fell over backwards, but then he got up, and tried to nonchalantly brush it off as he said, ‘It that all you’ve got?’, and left without hitting me back, acting coolly.

Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D

jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013

Happy B-Day Moon Hee Jun ^^

Happy B-Day Moon Hee Jun
Our dorky leader yellow boy ^^ 

H.O.T almost regrouped?

H.O.T‘s Lee Jae Won revealed that the legendary idols almost regrouped.
On the latest ‘Radio Star‘, MC Yoon Jong Shin asked the maknae of the group, “Isn’t it disappointing that H.O.T disbanded?” Lee Jae Won replied, “I didn’t think we’d disband. I was very sad.
He was then asked about the possibility of the group coming back together. He answered, “There was once a possibility that we could have come together. On the day I came back from the army, all the H.O.T members gathered together in one place. I heard we were going to make that place the announcement for our reunion as a group.”
However, it wasn’t as easy as it seemed for the members. “But all our labels are different, and it wasn’t easy to go through all the obstacles. I still want to talk about it. I really want to come together again. More than anything else, our fans still support us, and I feel so sorry. I want to give our fans a present.

Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D  

Sechs Kies′ Kim Jae Duk, Former DSP Media Singer, Says He Owns Stocks in SM Ent.

Former Sechs Kies member Kim Jae Duk said he owns stocks not in DSP Media, his former agency, but in SM Entertainment.

The March 13 broadcast of MBC′s Radio Star featured 1st generation idol members, continuing from last week′s episode. NRG′s Chun Myung Hoon, g.o.d.′s Danny Ahn, Sechs Kies′ Kim Jae Duk and Jang Su Won and H.O.T.′s Lee Jae Won had been invited to talk.
Lee Jae Won said, "I wasn′t really jealous of any other agencies while I was with H.O.T. I′m actually more jealous of the present day SM."

He then asked Kyuhyun whether he had bought any stocks in SM, his current agency.

When Kyuhyun answered he did have stocks, Lee Jae Won and Kim Jae Duk immediately started asking how much he had and whether the company′s future looked bright.

Lee Jae Won said he wanted to buy SM stocks but stopped after feeling he didn′t want to go that far, but Kim Jae Duk drew laughter from everyone by saying that he did purchase some.

Yoon Jong Shin then hit the nail on the head when he pointed out, "So a singer from Daesung (former name of DSP Media) owns stocks in SM."

Photo credit: MBC
Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D

Lee Jae Won Says He Still Respects SM Ent. President Lee Soo Man

Former H.O.T. member Lee Jae Won expressed his respect for SM Entertainment′s president Lee Soo Man on the March 13 broadcast of MBC′s Radio Star.
After his contract with SM expired, Lee Jae Won left the agency and H.O.T. with Tony An and Jang Woo Hyuk to form the group JTL, sparking suspicions that the three were on bad terms with the company.

When the MCs asked whether he had made up with Lee Soo Man, Lee Jae Won answered that though they had misunderstood each other in the past, "There′s nothing to make up for. We′re here thanks to Lee Soo Man."

He added, "I believe if I go to see him even now, he′ll welcome me like a friend, putting everything that happened in the past aside."
Yoon Jong Shin mentioned that Lee Jae Won had said he respects Lee Soo Man the most in the past, and Lee Jae Won said, "He′s still the person I respect the most."

Photo credit: MBC
Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D

H.O.T’s Lee Jae Won Wants to Be a Super Junior Member

Once part of the hottest and most popular boy group, former H.O.T member Lee Jae Won shared that he wants to be a Super Junior member.
In a recent recording of MBC’s Radio Star Lee Jae Won appeared as a guest, along with other first generation idol singers.

When the guests were asked which current idol group they would join now if they could, Lee Jae Won answered Super Junior without hesitation.

With Super Junior’s Kyuhyun present as the MC, Lee Jae Won listed off all the reasons why he wants to be a Super Junior member, drawing laughter from the panel.

The details will be revealed on March 13.

Photo Credit: SM Entertainment, MBC

Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D   

Legendary 1st Generation idols choose the current groups they would most want to join

The legendary 1st generation idols who paved the way for current idols, chose the idol groups from the current generation that they would most like to be a part of.
On the March 13th episode of ‘Radio Star‘, g.o.d‘s Danny Ahn, Sechskies‘ Kim Jae Duk, NRG‘s Chun Myung Hoon, and H.O.T‘s Lee Jae Won were asked to choose a current generation idol group they would like to join.
Danny Ahn chose INFINITE because he reasoned, “Their choreography is very definite. When INFINITE first debuted, I saw an article where they said they wanted to become singers like g.o.d. I think that’s why they remain more in my mind than the others.
Lee Jae Won selected Super Junior and stated, “I want to be a part of Super Junior. To be honest, you can sort of ride the coattails of the other members. There are so many members, so you don’t have to be burdened.” At this, MC Yoon Jong Shin joked, “It won’t seem apparent even if you slack off a little.” Lee Jae Won agreed and continued, “Since there are a lot of unique members, you just have to ride on their backs.
When Yoon Jong Shin said, “Are you trying to say that they’re a little lacking?“, he replied, “No, I’m just saying that there are a lot of members“. Kyuhyun jokingly admitted, “We are a little laid back“, to which Lee Jae Won said, “If I go in there and do the dance, I don’t think people will notice.” Kyuhyun joked again, “That might actually happen.
Sechskies’ Kim Jae Duk chose Big Bang, stating, “I want to join my favorite group Big Bang. They’re very good at their music, and they’re so cool on stage.” He had brought along Jang Soo Won as a special guest, who said, “I want to be part of Super Junior, too. There are a lot of units where you can make money from.” When MC Kim Kuk Jin joked, “There are also a lot of members you can borrow money from“, and he replied coolly, “You’re right.” Kyuhyun revealed that he was close with Kangin, and Jang Soo Won joked, “Kangin can leave and I’ll take his place. I don’t think I can go after him in terms of conversation skills, but I think I can fill his part on stage.

Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D 

Tony and Jang Woo Hyuk Twitts!!!!!

sábado, 9 de marzo de 2013

Sechs Kies′ Kim Jae Duk Says He′s Not Dating H.O.T.′s Tony An

Former Sechs Kies member Kim Jae Duk cleared up rumors about his sexual preferences, which sprung up due to his deep friendship with H.O.T.′s Tony An.

The March 6 broadcast of MBC′s
Radio Star featured g.o.d.′s Danny Ahn, Sechs Kies′ Kim Jae Duk, H.O.T.′s Lee Jae Won and NRG′s Chun Myung Hoon, tying them together as the most ′unpopular′ members from their respective 1st generation groups.
The MCs first touched on the issue of Kim Jae Duk′s friendship with Tony, asking whether it was true that they had bought friendship rings for each other.

Kim Jae Duk answered, "We weren′t the only ones that got the rings. It would′ve been weird if it had been that way. We got the rings with some other friends."

He said they had never even spoken to each other while they were active as H.O.T. and Sechs Kies, but now they′re so close they even live together.

"We grew close in the army," he said. "I have a habit of touching the people around me while I′m asleep, and I guess he liked it..."
He then added, "Tony An hyung (big brother) hates it when I say things like this," and started on the rumors.

"I looked up my name on a portal site to see if I had to fix my profile page, and I found in the related keywords section a keyword called ′Kim Jae Duk gay′. I showed it to Tony An as a joke, but he took it seriously," he said.

The MCs pounced on the comment, saying that even the scarf he has on points in that direction, but Kim Jae Duk explained feebly, "You shouldn′t misunderstand us; we sleep in separate bedrooms."

Photo credit: MBC

Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D  

Moon He Jun to Hold Solo Concert on March 30 and 31!

After a hiatus of nearly three and a half years, former H.O.T member Moon Hee Jun made his comeback with the dubstep inspired song, “I’m Not Okay.” Before his comeback he had been appearing on different TV shows talking about anti-fans and also talking about a possible H.O.T reunion.
Well, it looks like Moon Hee Jun will be holding his solo concert. It has been nearly 4 years since his last solo concert! The concert titled “WHO AM I?” will be held on March 30 and 31.
During the “WHO AM I?” concert, Moon He Jun will be performing “Virus,” “Air on the G String,” and “Obsession” with a hard rock band. He will also do dance performances for the songs “I’m Not OK,” “Scandal,” and “Pioneer.”
Moon Hee Jun took part in directing, editing, choreography, and also the composition of the performances. Ticket sales will begin on Interpark at 8pm on March 8. 

Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D   

Jang Woo Hyuk Revealed His Contract During His SM Entertainment Days Wasn’t Good

Jang Woo Hyuk, from SM Entertainment’s first idol group H.O.T, implies that his contract wasn’t good while he was active as part of the popular idol group.
On March 7, he made a guest appearance on KBS’s variety program “Happy Together” during the special “War of Money” along with Cultwo and Kim Jong Min. The guests were required to draw a line graph depicting their relationship with money throughout their life.
To the surprise of many, Jang Woo Hyuk’s graph showed that he didn’t have much money during his H.O.T days compared to before debut and after he was active as a soloist.
“I was a rookie then and the contract wasn’t good. To be honest, the members didn’t receive a lot of the profit.”
He continued, “My income got better after I made my debut with JTL. The profit was split between three members instead of five…” Jang Woo Hyuk went on, “Being active as a solo singer helped me financially.”
Netizens who saw his segment shared a few words of sympathy. “He was so popular during the H.O.T days. I’m surprised his income was small,” “If he was that popular these days, his income would definitely have been different,” “I think he was born in the wrong generation,” “His low income is really surprising.”

Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D

‘해투3’ 유재석도 놀라게한 근면성실 장우혁

[뉴스엔 전원 기자]

장우혁의 꼼꼼하고 성실한 모습이 모두를 놀라게 했다.

장우혁은 3월7일 방송된 KBS 2TV '해피투게더3' 쩐의 전쟁 특집에서 사업 노하우와 함께 자신이 이만큼 성공할 수 있었던 비법을 숨김없이 털어놨다.

대중은 H.O.T. 출신 장우혁을 무작정 부유할 것이라고 생각한다. 그러나 실상은 조금 달랐다. 잘나가던 H.O.T. 활동 당시에도 큰 돈을 벌지 못했고 아버지의 사업 실패로 도피생활을 하기도 했었다.
장우혁은 H.O.T. 멤버로 활동했음에도 실질적으로 돈을 번 액수는 바닥이었다고 고백하며 아이돌 가수들의 열악한 계약조건을 대변했다. 장우혁은 "신인이고 계약조건도 좋지 못했다"고 말했다.

또 데뷔 직전에는 극심한 생활고에 시달리기도 했다. 장우혁 아버지는 한때 잘나가는 사업가였다. 집에 국회의원도 방문할 정도였고 차만 네 대를 소유하고 있었다. 그러나 이런 생활도 잠시, 아버지 사업이 부도난 후 장우혁은 가족들과 함께 도피생활을 했다. 장우혁은 "빚쟁이 들이 쫓아와 친구들에게 전화 번호도 알려주지 못했다"며 힘들었던 과거를 회상했다.

이 처럼 힘든 생활을 겪은 장우혁은 근검절약을 자연스럽게 배우기 시작했고 어머니의 가르침에 따라 저축하는 습관을 들였다. 이 뿐만 아니라 경제 관념을 세우기 위해 다방면으로 공부를 하기도 했다. 최근 화제가 됐던 '300억 빌딩'을 매입할 때도 철저히 공부를 했었다.

이와 관련해 장우혁은 '300억 빌딩 매입설' 실체를 상세히 밝혔다. 장우혁은 "스타 특강쇼에서 4시간 짜리 녹화를 함축적으로 편집하다보니 이야기가 와전됐다. 물론 내 건물을 300억에 내놓고 싶다. 그러나 그 가격이 1/3도 되지 않는다"고 해명했다.

이어 "다만 건물을 살 때 좀 알아야 딜을 할때 유리할 것 같고 연예인으로서 속지 않을 것 같다는 생각이 들어 시공 공부도 하고 여러모로 노력했다"고 털어놨다.

또 장우혁은 사업 성공 요인에 대해 '실패는 성공의 어머니' '티끌모아 태산' '노력은 배신하지 않는다'등의 주제에 맞춰 자신의 생각을 밝히며 사업가로서 타고난 능력과, 부족함을 노력으로 채우는 모습을 보여줬다.

장우혁이 보여준 의외의 면모에 유재석 박명수는 물론 전 출연진 모두 놀라움을 금치 못했으며 뜨거운 박수와 칭찬을 보냈다. (사진=KBS 2TV '해피투게더3' 캡처)

전원 wonwon@

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com
copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지
Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D   

'해피투게더' 장우혁 통했다! 시청률 1위 '무릎팍도사'는?

'해피투게더'가 '자기야'와 함께 시청률 공동 1위를 차지했다.

8일 시청률 조사회사 닐슨 코리아에 따르면 지난 7일 밤 방송된 KBS2 '해피투게더'의 시청률은 7.8%(전국기준)로 나타났다. 이는 지난 1일 방송분 시청률인 8.2%보다 0.4% 하락한 수치다.

이날 '해피투게더'는 '쩐의전쟁 특집'으로 꾸며져 컬투(김태균, 정찬우), 장우혁, 김종민이 출연해 사업실패와 성공담에 대해 경험담을 들려주었다.
↑ 사진 : KBS '해피투게더' 방송 캡처
이날 방송에서 장우혁은 300억대 자산가라는 소문은 와전되었다며, 이 기사가 나간 이후 주변 사람들의 속보이는 연락이 늘었다고 고백했다. 김태균은 호프집을 차렸을 때 유재석을 아르바이트생으로 고용했다는 일화도 들려주었다. 김종민은 한때 양대창 사업으로 한달에 2억을 벌었으나 그 이후 모든 사업이 망했다고 해맑게 얘기해 웃음을 자아냈다.

또한, 출연자들이 사업실패를 통해 얻은 교훈을 알려주는 '쩐의 고수비법서'를 진행하면서 '야간매점'은 일시 휴업해 눈길을 끌었다.

한편 동시간대 방송된 MBC '무릎팍 도사' SBS '자기야'는 각각 5.1%, 7.8%의 시청률을 기록했다.

김선경 기자 idsoft3@reviewstar.net

[ⓒ 리뷰스타(reviewstar.hankooki.com), 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지]

Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D  

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2013

Jang Woo Hyuk in Happy 2gether ^^

Jang Woo Hyuk in Happy Together ^^
[장우혁]쩐의 그래프  
Cr:woo hit·@YT
Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D

장우혁 “내 전용기, 황금벨트에 샤워실까지” 허세작렬

[뉴스엔 전원 기자]

장우혁전용기를 탔던 경험을 실감나게 설명했다.

장우혁은 3월7일 방송된 KBS 2TV '해피투게더3' 쩐의 전쟁 특집에서 중국에서 특급대우를 받으며 전용기 대접을 받았던 사연을 털어놨다.

이날 장우혁은 "전용기는 느낌이 다르다. 영화 '보디가드'와 비슷하다. 문이 자동으로 열리고 좌석이 다 황금벨트로 돼있다. 기내 샤워실도 있다"고 설명했다. 그러자 MC들은 입을 다물지 못하고 놀랐다.
이때 장우혁은 "아 원래는 샤워실이 없는거냐"며 허세를 부려 웃음을 자아냈다. (사진=KBS 2TV '해피투게더3' 캡처)

전원 wonwon@

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com
copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지

Cr: http://m.media.daum.net
Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D 

장우혁 “300억 빌딩 매입설 후 여자들 대시 빗발쳐”

[TV리포트 = 이혜미 기자] 가수 장우혁이 300억 빌딩 매입설 그 후를 전했다.

장우혁은 7일 방송된 KBS2 ‘해피투게더 시즌3’에 출연해 “300억 빌딩을 매입했다는 기사가 나간 후 전화가 빗발쳤다”라고 입을 뗐다.

뜸했던 지인이 연락은 물론 돈을 빌려 달라는 애원까지 이어진 바. 이어 장우혁은 “면만 튼 이성이 이상한 뉘앙스로 다가오기도 했다”라며 “대시하는 거 같았다. 뜬금없이 ‘나 어떻게 생각해?’ 묻더라”고 씁쓸하게 말했다.

또 장우혁은 “지금 엔터테인먼트를 운영하고 있는데 뛰쳐나간 작곡가가 한 명 있다. 기사가 나간 후 이 작곡가에게 손 편지가 왔다. ‘형의 품을 떠나 보니 이제야 세상을 알 거 같다’라고 왔다. 기사가 영향이 있구나 싶다”라고 털어놨다.

한편 이날 방송에는 쩐의 전쟁 특집으로 장우혁 외에도 컬투(김태균 정찬우) 김종민이 게스트로 출연했다.

사진 = KBS2 ‘해피투게더 시즌3’ 화면 캡처

이혜미 기자 gpai@tvreport.co.kr
Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D