domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

H.O.T in Michael Jackson and Friends (990625)

H.O.T in Michael Jackson and Friends
[Vol.3] 990625 Michael Jackson and Friends - Intro - H.O.T.
 [Vol.3] 990625 Michael Jackson and Friends - We Are The Future - H.O.T.
[Vol.3] 990625 Michael Jackson and Friends - Line Up! - H.O.T. 
[Vol.3] 990625 Michael Jackson and Friends - Hope - H.O.T.


miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012

Way Back Wednesday: Fashion Flashback

Old school K-pop had a number of elements that made it so darn fun. There was the catchy music, cool dances (which I covered at length here, here, and here), and the bubbly personalities of the groups and their members that everyone loved. But there was also one other very important element that helped K-pop gain legions of fans; the fashion. In all the writing I’ve done on the subject of Korean music, I always try to include fashion where I can because it was an absolutely integral part of the entire K-pop experience. Even those of us in America watching our VHS tapes would take fashion cues from our favorite singers and imitate them because it was probably the one thing that fans could do to outwardly show their allegiance to their favorite singers and groups.
On today’s Way Back Wednesday, we’ll walk down the runway with some of the most memorable fashion statements from K-poppers of the past. I’m no fashionista but even I was able discern some of the best and craziest fashions from back in the day. Don’t worry people; this list isn’t nearly complete and we’ll have round 2 another time.


H.O.T – Furry Overalls

So why are the fantastic five on yet another list? It’s because they are the originators of the whole idol, cute overalls, jersey numbers, paint under eye, each one has a color, look at my out place sports accessories, trend. It was their performances for “Candy” when they were wrapped up in furry overalls, swim goggles, plush bucket hats and were immensely popular with fans all over the world. That formula would be the blueprint for all the idols and while styles have changed today, you can still see that influence on modern K-pop groups. When they morphed into brooding bad boys with doo rags, eye make-up, and crazy dyed hair, they sparked another trend as nerds like me tried to copy that look too but alas, not all could pull off the look. I have at least four or five bandanas back home from when I tried to copy Moon Hee Jun’s bandana over the ears and eyes look. My head was too big for it to work but, I tried my best.

 Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D

martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

SM Entertainment throws a star-studded ‘SMTOWN Celebrity Party’

SM Entertainment recently threw a ‘SMTOWN Celebrity Party‘ and released several photos from the star-studded event through their official SMTOWN twitter, which they recently opened up.
The photos show newly added SM C&C recruits Kim Ha Neul, Jang Dong Gun, and Shin Dong Yup enjoying a night out with SHINee, TVXQ, Girls’ Generation, Super Junior, Kangta, and Kim Min Jong. SM’s very own Lee Soo Man was also present at the event to give his greetings. Friendly snapshots from the party left fans excited to see more interactions between the old and the new SM labelmates.

 Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D

Tony and Kangta in X-Man #59 Ep 129-130^^

Tony and Kangta in X-Man #59 Ep 129-130 
[Vietsub] Xman #59 Ep 129 ¤ Tony An, Kangta, Tim, Chae Yeon, Lee Seung Ki, Gyu Ri 
 [Vietsub] Xman #59 Ep 130 ¤ Tony An, Kangta, Tim, Chae Yeon, Lee Seung Gi, Gyu Ri + Engsub softsub

lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

Jang Woo Hyuk to join fixed cast of ‘God of Victory’

Singer Jang Woo Hyuk will be joining the cast of MBC‘s Sunday evening variety show, ‘God of Victory‘, as a fixed cast member.
His fixed position on the show comes as the troubled program goes through a format overhaul, lessening its dependence on guests and attempting to focus more on team play.
With sixteen years of entertainment industry experience under his belt, anticipation is high for Jang Woo Hyuk’s variety skills. His company, WH Entertainment, said, “You’ll be able to see a side of Jang Woo Hyuk you’ve never seen before. We ask for your support.”

Cr:Source: Star News via Nate
 Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D

Jang Woo Hyuk WH Entertainment audition ^^

Jang Woo Hyuk WH Entertainment audition
 2012 11 03 pm 1:00 whentertainment audition

Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D  

Tony Twitts!!!!!

sábado, 20 de octubre de 2012

1세대 아이돌이 만든 아이돌그룹 甲은 누구?

‘본래 우상을 뜻하는 말로 주로 청소년에게 큰 인기를 얻는 가수를 말한다.’

아이돌의 사전적 정의다. ‘아이돌’이라는 단어가 사용된 지 언 10년. 원조 아이돌들이 성장해 다시 후배 아이돌을 양성할 만큼 시간이 흘러버렸다. 눈 깜짝하면 신인 그룹이 쏟아져 나온다는 요즘, 1세대 아이돌이 만든 아이돌들에 관심이 쏠리고 있다.

▶ 에릭이 만든 걸그룹 ‘스텔라’

지난 1998년 1집 앨범 ‘해결사’로 데뷔해 ‘으쌰으쌰’ ‘T.O.P’ ‘너의 결혼식’ ‘Hey, come on’ 등 무수한 히트곡으로 객석을 주황빛으로 물들이던 원조 아이돌이 있다. 신화가 바로 그 주인공.

어느덧 데뷔 14년차, 1세대 아이돌이 되어버린 6인조 남성 그룹 신화의 리더 에릭이 2011년 제작자로 변신했다. 후배 걸그룹 스텔라를 육성하기 시작한 것. 스텔라는 KBS 2TV ‘1박2일’의 시청자 캠프 편에 출연했던 ‘국악고 소녀’ 김가영이 속한 4인조 걸그룹으로 유명하다.

스텔라는 지난 2011년 8월 디지털 싱글 앨범 ‘로켓걸’을 발표하고 데뷔했으나 올해 2월 두 명의 멤버를 교체했다. 때문에 이미 한차례 방송 출연으로 얼굴을 알린 김가영을 제외하면 인지도 면에서 다소 떨어지는 것이 사실. 하지만 멤버 교체 후 발표한 신곡 ‘UFO’의 뮤직비디오에 신화 멤버 전진이 출연하는 등 신화 멤버들의 적극적인 지원사격으로 음악팬들의 기대를 한 몸에 받고 있기도 하다.

▶ 앤디가 만든 ‘틴탑’ ‘백퍼센트’

신화 멤버 앤디는 틴탑의 소속사 대표이기도 하다. 틴탑의 제작자가 되면서 앤디는 편두통에 시달렸을 정도로 틴탑은 앤디가 공을 들인 그룹이다. 틴탑은 6인조 남성그룹이라는 점에서 신화와 닮았다. 2010년 ‘Come Into The World’ 앨범을 발표하고 가요계에 등장한 틴탑은 ‘Supa Luv’ ‘미치겠어’ ‘향수뿌리지마’ ‘나랑 사귈래?’ 등의 히트곡을 연이어 발표하며 두터운 팬들을 확보했다. 지난 2월 KBS 2TV ‘뮤직뱅크’에서 데뷔 2년 만에 ‘미치겠어’로 1위를 수상하며 아이돌 1세대가 만든 아이돌그룹의 가능성을 입증했다.

한편 앤디는 틴탑의 성공에 이어 올 9월에는 7인조 남성그룹 백퍼센트를 데뷔시켰다. 백퍼센트는 ‘나쁜놈’으로 활발한 활동을 이어가며 새로운 가요계 빅스타를 예고하고 있다. 

앤디는 한 제작발표회에서 “자신이 제작을 맡은 틴탑과 백퍼센트가 어느 정도 인기를 얻었으면 좋겠냐”는 질문에 “솔직히 신화만큼 컸으면 좋겠다. 신화가 14년 동안 해체하지 않고 끈끈히 우정을 이어나갔으면 좋겠다. 틴탑도 백퍼센트도 모두 신화처럼 장수그룹이 되길 바란다”고 말하며 제작자로서의 기대감을 드러낸 바 있다.

▶ 토니안이 만든 ‘스매쉬’

H.O.T는 1996년 데뷔해 ‘빛’ ‘캔디’ ‘전사의 후예’ ‘행복’ 등 히트곡으로 팬덤문화의 시작을 알렸던 원조 중의 원조 아이돌이다. H.O.T 멤버 토니안 역시 자신과 같은 후배 양성에 앞장섰다. 토니안이 만든 스매쉬는 5인조 남성 아이돌로 2008년 데뷔했다. 올 3월 토니안은 스매쉬와 콜라보레이션 싱글 앨범을 발표하고 토니&스매쉬로 함께 활동하며 전폭적인 지원을 아끼지 않았다. 스매쉬는 일본 진출에도 성공해 일본에서 앨범 6장을 발매한 후 두 차례 단독 콘서트를 마쳤다. 스매쉬는 일본에서 세 번째 싱글앨범으로 오리콘 데일리 차트 7위, 네 번째 싱글앨범으로 오리콘 위클리차트 7위를 기록하기도 했다.

토니안은 지난 2일 한 토크쇼에서 스매쉬를 언급하면서 “가끔 포기하고 싶을 때가 있었다. 내가 힘들었을 때 다 포기하고 싶다는 생각이 들었는데 그럴 때마다 애들이 열심히 해서 잘될테니까 너무 걱정하지 말라고 했다. 성실하고 착한 아이들을 보며 마음을 다잡았다”고 제작자로서의 고충을 털어놓기도 했다.

▶ 장우혁이 만드는 제2의 H.O.T는?

H.O.T 출신 가수 장우혁도 신인그룹 제작에 뛰어들었다. 장우혁의 소속사는 신인 그룹을 만들기 위해 이미 지난 13일 공개오디션을 진행하기도 했다. 장우혁 소속사에 따르면 “앞으로 한달에 2회는 오디션이 진행될 예정이다. 한 달에 1회는 지방 오디션을 진행해 서울에 비해 오디션 기회가 많지 않은 지방의 재능 있는 친구들을 발굴하겠다”고 밝혔다.

이와 관련해 장우혁은 “H.O.T, JTL 솔로앨범 등을 제작, 프로듀싱 한 경험과 노하우를 체계화해 후배 양성에 힘쓰겠다”면서 “퍼포먼스를 강점으로 내세워 세계시장에 내놓아도 손색없는 그룹을 만들겠다”고 포부를 밝혔다.

[매일경제 스타투데이 오혜림 인턴기자] 
 Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D   

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012

Jang Woo Hyuk Twitt!!!!!

(H.O.T) Comment on: Factory Girls - Cultural technology and the making of K-pop (5/8)

 Cultural technology and the making of K-pop

I ommited the other information ^^ 

In 1996, S.M. débuted its first idol group: a five-member boy band called H.O.T. (short for High-Five of Teenagers). It was followed by S.M.’s first girl group, S.E.S., after the given names of the three members (Sea, Eugene, and Shoo). Both groups were enormously popular in Korea, and inspired other groups. Soon K-pop was pushing both traditional trot and rock to the commercial margins of the Korean music scene.
In 1998, Lee began expanding into the rest of Asia. The idols sang in Japanese and Chinese, but the sound and style of the music and the videos adhered to the principles that had made them popular in Korea. Lee and his colleagues produced a manual of cultural technology—it’s known around S.M. as C.T.—that catalogued the steps necessary to popularize K-pop artists in different Asian countries. The manual, which all S.M. employees are instructed to learn, explains when to bring in foreign composers, producers, and choreographers; what chord progressions to use in what country; the precise color of eyeshadow a performer should wear in a particular country; the exact hand gestures he or she should make; and the camera angles to be used in the videos (a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree group shot to open the video, followed by a montage of individual closeups).
C.T. seemed to work. By the late nineties, H.O.T. was topping charts in China and Taiwan. Both H.O.T. and S.E.S. disbanded in the early two-thousands, but Lee’s follow-up acts proved to be even more popular. BoA, a solo female singer who made her début in 2000, became huge in Japan. Super Junior, the boy group, débuted in 2005, and became bigger throughout Asia than H.O.T. had been.

Cr:Source:The New Yoker
 Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D 

martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

SM Entertainment and CJ E&M to Collaborate in Chinese Culture Donation Event Featuring Kangta and f(x)′s Victoria


From November 1-2, SM Entertainment and CJ E&M will be participating in a corporate social responsibility event with KOFICE, CJ CGV and the CJ Sharing Foundation in Beijing.

The event was put together to celebrate 20 years of diplomatic ties between Korea and China, and is the first activity branching from the ′China Friendship Foundation for Peace and Development CJ CGV Harmony Fund′ established in June between CJ CGV and The Chinese People′s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries.

A rep from CJ E&M told enews on October 16, “It means a lot because the activities contribute to the cultivation of talent and provides opportunities for the neglected to be educated in culture. It plans to remodel the School for Workers′ Children and provide music programs featuring hallyu artists.”

The event will feature Kangta and f(x)′s Victoria, who are both popular in China, giving music lessons, dance lessons and opportunities to experience Korean culture for needy teenagers in China through the K-Pop music program.

A local official said through SM Entertainment, “Everyone is happy that Korea′s biggest entertainment and media company will be participating actively in such a meaningful event. The students are all excited to meet hallyu stars in person.”

The event is especially said to be of a unique kind because it improves the education environment and at the same time provides cultural donations through its K-Pop program.

 Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D

miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2012

Kangta-Dangerous Relationship

Kangta in Dangerous Relationship VIP Premiere ^^
영화'위험한 관계' VIP시사회, 장동건 ★라인 총출동  
Cr Video:@YT
Cr Pics: As Tagged and outsidecastle
 Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D 

Way Back Wednesday: Best Dances of 1997-2000

I Omitted the other information ^^ 

 Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D

Tony Twitt!!!!!!!!

Jang Woo Hyuk Twitt!!!!!

Happy B-Day Ahn Chil Hyun (KangTa)

Happy B-Day Ahn Chil Hyun (KangTa)
Our wonderful green boy ^^

martes, 9 de octubre de 2012

Shinhwa Jun Jin mention H.O.T

Jun Jin (Shinhwa) mention H.O.T  
Beautiful story T-T
I started off as a choreographer, but I became a singer after I saw H.O.T. on TV and thought, ‘If I appear on TV, maybe I will be able to find my mother.’
Cr Pic:Club H.O.T PR

Moon Hee Jun becomes the new MC for Mnet’s ‘Wide Celebrity News’

Veteran singer Moon Hee Jun has been chosen as the new MC for Mnet‘s ‘Wide Celebrity News‘.
Moon Hee Jun will be working with announcer Lee Sol Ji as the MC’s for the program. On this new appointment of Moon Hee Jun, PD Park Sang Joon stated, “Moon Hee Jun is one of the original Korean idol stars. He understands the celebrity world because he’s been in it for a long time. He was picked as the MC because his characteristic quick wit is great for live recording.
Moon Hee Jun said, “I’m looking forward to meeting viewers in the live recording. I’m going to explain detailed information about the entertainment industry, but I won’t forget the fun factor and become a great MC.
Tip: S.Lee

 Posted by: Club H.O.T PR :D