viernes, 25 de diciembre de 2015

H.O.T and Sechskies respond to resurgence of comeback rumors

Rumors of a Sechskies and H.O.T reunion and comeback have come up once again, even though reps have previously stated that nothing has been confirmed.

Regarding the new round of gossip about their comeback, leader Eun Ji Won stepped up as his agency rep stated on December 24, "Regarding Sechskies' comeback, they are willing to do it whenever the opportunity arises.  However, up to this point, there are absolutely no plans regarding when they will do this or the album preparation.  We think talks of a reunion like that come up because the members meet one another once in a while.  The members do see one another as friends, but this does not mean that talk of a reunion and comeback has come up."

A rep of the group also stated, "It seems like the members do want to make a comeback. We're open to the possibility, but we don't care [which group] leads this and first drops an album or performs."

H.O.T seemed to be in agreement as their rep stated, "Articles do often come out [about this], but we don't have anything in detail, nor do we have plans, so we have nothing to say.  There is talk about a reunion for the twentieth anniversary.  However, there has been no concrete back and forth [about this]."
Posted By:Club H.O.T P.R. <3
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jueves, 24 de diciembre de 2015

Will legendary boy groups H.O.T and Sechskies be making their comebacks in 2016?

Are the original boy bands H.O.T and Sechskies both making full-fledged comebacks in the new year? At least that's what new reports are saying!

According to a representative in the music industry, both veteran boy groups are reported to make their comebacks in 2016, with all of their members intact.

The rep said, "All five members of H.O.T and each of their companies have finished talks and their comeback is set. In the case of Sechskies, except for one member who has an individual circumstance, all members have come together and are preparing. If that member makes a decision, he could immediately join the whole group as well."

H.O.T has had comeback rumors since September of this year, but the agencies have continuously been denying the rumors. At the time they stated, "There are no specific plans. We are still in the stage of discussion."

In an interview last year, when asked about a possible Sechskies comeback, Eun Ji Won had said, "I know that the members have been talking about a comeback. If we're joining again then of course I'll join too."

But another representative in the music industry had a different opinion. This rep told MyDaily, "The members could positively be considering a reunion, comeback and performances but there are a lot of restrictions that could hinder accomplishing this. I know that nothing specific has been decided on yet."

They added, "Last month there were reports on a comeback, and there was an official statement that said, 'Nothing is confirmed'. I don't know why this type of news without proof is coming up again."

Yet another rep said, "The H.O.T and Sechskies members are all in different agencies, so it won't be easy to accommodate everyone's opinions. It looks like if they release a new song or have a performance/concert, there will be many difficulties."

Moon Hee Jun's company rep stated, "To be honest, we are in the process of confirming whether this is true or not."

The other members' agencies have not released official statements as of yet.

In case you didn't know, H.O.T debuted in 1996 so 2016 will be their 20th anniversary and Sechskies debuted in 1997, and the new year will mark their 19th anniversary.

SEE ALSO: Moon Hee Jun responds to possible H.O.T reunion

90s duo (now trio) Turbo, as well as Click B have made/been making their long-awaited comebacks this year, so it would be awesome to see a H.O.T and Sechskies reunion next year, wouldn't you agree?
Posted By:Club H.O.T P.R. <3
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sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2015

H.O.T. Rumored to Have 20 Year Reunion Concert, Moon Hee Jun Denies

H.O.T. Rumored to Have 20 Year Reunion Concert, Moon Hee Jun Denies

On November 27, various news sources reported that first-generation idolsH.O.T. were rumored to be preparing for a concert in honor of their 20th anniversary.
However, member Moon Hee Jun quickly refuted the rumors, “We’re always discussing a H.O.T. reunion among the members, however, there is no detailed plan to do so [at this time].”
This hasn’t been the first time that H.O.T. has been reported to be planning a reunion. The “original” boy group have been subjected to various reunion rumors multiple times throughout their career.
H.O.T. is most remembered for their hit song “Candy,” which is still widely covered by a variety of idols today.
Source (1) (2)
Posted By:Club H.O.T P.R. <3
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lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2015

Tony An makes his return on broadcast through JTBC's 'Box'

Tony An has returned to public broadcast.
The singer had taken a break from the entertainment world for two years following his gambling incident, and he made his return on the JTBC variety show 'Box'. On the show, he said, "I think broadcast changed a lot during [my break]. It's my first time on broadcast in two years, and I'm both looking forward to it and nervous at the same time."
His nerves showed when he was caught constantly fumbling with his hands. Professor Pyo Chang Won said, "It's an expression of his anxiety. He's nervous. Tony An is already in game mode."
Hopefully he makes a successful return!
Posted By:Club H.O.T P.R. <3
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jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

H.O.T. Reportedly Planning to Reunite for 20th Anniversary

H.O.T. Reportedly Planning to Reunite for 20th Anniversary
Legendary male group H.O.T. is reportedly in talks to make a temporary comeback after a 14-year hiatus!
According to sources in the entertainment industry, the group members have brought up the possibility of reuniting for their 20th debut anniversary. As it has been challenging to get all five members around the same table due to scheduling conflicts, they have reportedly held meetings in small groups and discussed the matter.
It appears quite possible that Moon Hee Jun, Kang Ta, Tony An, Jang Woo Hyuk, and Lee Jae Won will be greeting fans on stage through an anniversary concert sometime next year.
The reunion plans are even supported by SM Entertainment‘s very own Lee Soo Man, who reportedly encouraged Kang Ta, the only member still represented by SM, to prepare something special for H.O.T.’s upcoming milestone.
It might be too early to get excited, but an action plan for H.O.T.’s return, even if just for one concert, seems to finally be on the big table.
Source (

Posted By:Club H.O.T P.R. <3
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H.O.T to reunite on stage for 20th anniversary?

Eunji's character from 'Reply 1997' would probably be having a field day at this news right now. And you read that right - 20th anniversary!
According to reps from the music industry on August 3,
H.O.T members Moon Hee Jun, Kangta, Tony An, Jang Woo Hyuk, and Lee Jae Won might be reuniting on stage for the first time in fourteen years for their 20th anniversary next year!  They were reportedly in discussion over greeting their fans, so it isn't a set thing, but something in the works.

According to the reps, discussions over this possibility had occurred multiple times in the past, but this time, the discussions were going properly!  Sounds pretty promising.

 Posted By:Club H.O.T P.R. <3
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miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2015

남희석의 에이나인 미디어, 토니안의 티엔네이션과 협업 "예능인+제작 시너지 내겠다"

26일 협업을 선언한 에이나인 미디어의 소속 개그맨 남희석과 티엔네이션엔터테인먼트의 수장 토니안. 사진 경향DB
26일 협업을 선언한 에이나인 미디어의 소속 개그맨 남희석과 티엔네이션엔터테인먼트의 수장 토니안. 사진 경향DB
개그맨 남희석의 소속사 에이나인미디어(이하 에이나인)와 방송인 겸 가수 토니안 기획사 티엔네이션엔터테인먼트(이하 티엔)가 협업을 선언해 두 사람이 한솥밥을 먹게 됐다.
26일 오전 에이나인 측은 “자사의 매니지먼트 역량 강화를 위해 티엔에 지분 투자를 했다”며 “당사가 가진 풍부한 프로그램 제작 환경과 티엔이 쌓아 온 매니지먼트 노하우가 만나 새로운 효과를 창출하면서 동시에 양사가 윈윈하는 구조를 형성할 것”이라고 밝혔다.에이나인 미디어는 tvN의 <더 지니어스> <코리아 갓 탤런트>와 MBC뮤직의 <슈퍼아이돌>, 온스타일의 <도전 수퍼모델 코리아> 등을 제작한 방송 제작사이자 개그맨 남희석, 조세호, 김신영, 남창희, 이진호, 이용진, 양세찬, 김영희 등이 소속된 종합엔터테인먼트 업체다. 올 초부터 매니지먼트 사업 분야 확장을 위해 방송인들을 영입하고 있으며, 나아가 예능인들과 기존 제작 시스템을 결합해 시너지를 노리고 있다.
티엔은 토니안과 제이워크의 김재덕이 이끄는 회사로 토니안은 다음 달 5일 방송되는 JTBC의 새 예능 프로그램 <박스>를 통해 컴백을 알린다. <박스>는 밀실 서바이벌 버라이어티를 표방하는 프로그램으로 박스 안에 갇힌 출연자들이 스스로 정한 규칙으로 탈락자를 선정한다.
지난 달 이 프로그램 녹화를 마친 토니안은 “2년 만에 카메라 앞에 서니 실감이 나지 않는다”며 출연진과 스태프에게 인사를 건네기도 했다.
에이나인 측은 “현재 중국과 협업해 제작하고 있는 오디션 프로그램 <슈퍼아이돌> 이외에도 다양한 프로그램 제작에 박차를 가하고 있으며, 티엔은 기존 해외 인지도가 있는 토니안을 통해 해외 공연 활동을 구상하고 있다”고 계획을 밝혔다.
<하경헌 기자
Posted By:Club H.O.T P.R. <3
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martes, 25 de agosto de 2015

‘슈퍼아이돌’ 장우혁, “너무 예쁘게 춰서..” 이색심사 ‘폭소’

[텐아시아=윤석민 인턴기자] 가수 장우혁이 ‘슈퍼아이돌’ 연습생을 보고 깜짝 놀란다.
25일 방송되는 한중 합작 글로벌 오디션 프로그램 케이블채널 MBC뮤직 ‘슈퍼아이돌’ 7회에서는 연습생들의 본격 팀 미션이 펼쳐진다. 실제 아이돌 그룹처럼 ‘슈퍼아이돌’ 연습생들은 3개의 팀으로 나뉘어 팀별로 색깔 있는 K팝 무대를 선보인다.
이날 방송에는 네 명의 심사위원이 등장해 연습생들의 무대를 평가한다. 작곡가 김형석, 아이돌의 전설 장우혁, 통통 튀는 매력과 끼로 신 한류스타가 된 배슬기, 중화권 인기 가수 겸 프로듀서 오극군이 그 주인공이다. 네 명의 심사위원은 각자 다른 심사평을 들려준다. 
연습생들의 칼 군무가 펼쳐진 가운데 심사위원 배슬기는 한 명의 연습생을 지목해 “춤을 한 번 보고 싶다”고 요청했다. 배슬기의 갑작스러운 요청에 해당 연습생은 춤 실력을 과시했다. 단, 평소 성격과는 반전되는 춤을 선보여 모두를 깜짝 놀라게 했다고. 특히 장우혁은 “너무 예쁘게 춰서..”라고 평가해 웃음을 자아냈다.
이날 방송되는 7회는 연습생은 물론 심사위원, 스태프까지 모두 눈물바다가 됐다는 전언이다. 회를 거듭할수록 실력과 열정, 우정을 채워가는 연습생들의 진짜 꿈이 어떤 이야기를 펼쳐낼 것인지 기대를 더한다. 
화려한 스타들과 함께 하는 청춘들의 빛나는 꿈 성장기, 한중 합작 글로벌 오디션 프로그램 ‘슈퍼아이돌’ 7회는 25일 오후 7시 MBC 뮤직과 MBC 에브리원, MBC퀸에서 방송된다. 
윤석민 인턴기자 yun@ 
사진. MBC 뮤직 ‘슈퍼아이돌’ 
Posted By:Club H.O.T P.R. <3
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